AI Detective: Is the text generated by AI or not?

Effortlessly check to see if text was generated by AI or not.

Use the following form to analysis your text

0/1000 words


Analyze essays to determine how much of the essay leverage AI generated content.

Check your work

Ready to submit a big project? Most faculty use AI detection tools to review submissions to check for AI generated content. Use this tool before you submit.

Research Papers

Use this tool to help catch areas you may have pulled that could be flagged by review councils as AI generated.


How much of the manuscript submitted was generated by AI ? Use this tool to find out!


Upload your document

Our special premium feature allows you to upload documents in pdf, word or PowerPoint form for scanning and review.


1000+ word count

Upload any text that is greater than 1000 word count for accurate review of AI generated content probability.


Bulk Uploads

Best for faculty and staff interested in bulk uploading student submission. Each document has it's own separate score helping you understand how much of the submitted content was generated by AI.


Monthly Subscription

Do you need this tool every month? Use our subscription model with no limit on word count, bulk uploads across all major formats and available whenever you need it.

Contact us today for pricing!

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